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HR in Pandemic Situation

HR has been in a role to take care of its employees in various ways at their workplaces. It had to rethink about its role in view of pandemic situation. Social distancing has become mandatory and the new work environment has to suit this.

For a long time human interactions are replaced with email and video conferencing. The employees too had to embrace this remote working model in a large scale.

In addition to working remote, the human interface with devices or things has also been reduced drastically. The paperwork, printers, sharing things with others has come to a halt.

Though, working remotely does not suit everybody or every job, the employees had to adopt it. This sometimes leads to create stress also and it is the duty of HR to take care of their employees not to fall prey to stress. Few companies also supported their employees with different and flexible working hours, suitable technology, and necessary access to work from home. This type of working remotely may become relatively permanent at least for some jobs. Already few companies have stated that they close their offices and they need not come to office on a regular basis.

This has come with few positive points as well as with few draw backs. The HR also has to face many challenges with this. The human interaction has been drastically and all the communication and interactions need to be online. This has reduced the effect of body language in communication part.

The companies that run or maintain crèches for the employees, they need not do it now. While working from home the employees can take care of the kids, though it’s difficult on the parents’part. This may attract new people especially ladies, and help in retaining people too. But for this, the companies have to have right technology and support system. The companies which do not have all these definitely have the negative reviews. The employees would be happy if they feel trusted and supported. Their morale would boost up. At the same time, the employees too need to keep in mind that they should not take advantage of it and they need to produce results.

Written by:
Dr. N. Srividya
Faculty – OB & HR
ISB&M, Kolkata